Episode 191: How To Increase Your Happiness Today (easy!)

podcast Aug 16, 2023

Most people’s day and therefore week (and therefore YEAR) consist of one of two things… work and rest.

Rest becomes this catch all for everything we have to do and want to do when we aren’t at work.
And if we’re really being honest… rest usually consists of working out, netflix, maybe some pizza & wine, and sleep SO THAT we can battle another work week.

Well, that doesn’t leave much room for intention let alone happiness does it?!

In this week’s episode I’m breaking down the simplest way in which you can create more happiness in your life, and you can get started TODAY.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:


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Episode 190: “What If It Doesn’t Last Forever?” (promotions, happiness, relationships, and more)

podcast Aug 09, 2023

So you just made a huge uplevel in your life whether it’s something tangible like a promotion or a totally new mindset shift, and you hear that small (but loud) voice in your head ask the question, “But what if this doesn’t last forever?!”.

In this episode we’re going to be talking about where this voice comes from and the 3 very important subtleties you must be aware of in order to move past this small (but loud) question with ease and confidence so that you can focus on what really matters the most.

We’ll be discussing the nature of your brain, normalizing transition periods, and why fast action might be keeping you stuck.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will...

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Episode 189: Protecting Your Attention (so that you feel more peace)

podcast Aug 02, 2023

Everytime you introduce something new into your environment (whether you are conscious of it or not) you are allowing an opportunity for even more THOUGHTS to enter your brain.

And when you aren’t intentional about WHAT you allow into your brain, well… this is when most people start to feel overwhelm, anxiety, and even confusion because they can’t even pinpoint where this all came from or how it all started.

For example, if you’ve ever scrolled through social media for even 5 minutes and suddenly you felt bad but couldn’t pinpoint exactly why or you strolled through the mall and afterwards felt a little empty…. This may be a form of allowing unintentional circumstances into your life.

(And don’t worry, if you’re new to this work and have no idea what this means, you’ll learn all about it inside this episode)

Protecting your attention in this day and age is crucial if you want to feel more peace and aliveness in your mind and...

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Episode 188: Goal Struggles 101: Why Aren't We There Yet?

podcast Jul 26, 2023

Ever have a goal you’ve been working on… for YEARS… and you’re still wondering, “are we there yet?!”.

Well, if so, you aren’t alone. And in this week’s episode I’m going to share with you the three main reasons that keep us stuck from achieving our goals faster.

We delve into the heart of goal struggles, from uncovering how past actions can keep you stuck, to conquering your frustration tolerance, and even redefining your true desires.

Whether you're striving for career advancement, personal growth, or any other aspiration, understanding these key factors can make all the difference in your journey to success.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you...

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Episode 187: Emotional Risk On Purpose

podcast Jul 19, 2023

Serious question: What would you allow yourself to do if you weren’t afraid of feeling terrible?

Most people avoid going after their dreams because they’re afraid of a potential situation. But in reality, situations come and go and what remains with us is the meaning we created and therefore the FEELINGS that come with them.

So then, let’s focus on what it means to deal with feelings in an honorable way so that we don’t carry old feelings with us wherever we go, but instead we honor and release them so that we make room for new experiences AND new feelings.

Listen to this episode as I dive even deeper.

Let’s go!


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:


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Episode 186: Breaking Free From Constantly Doing

podcast Jul 12, 2023

If you constantly feel as if you’re checking your calendar, to-do list, emails, and oh yea, social media, and STILL feel as if you’re frazzled by the end of the day even despite the fact you got everything done - you may be stuck in the energy of ‘constantly doing’.

In this episode, I’m breaking down what energy we are operating from that actually creates this frenetic feeling no matter how ‘done’ we are, why trying to change our job or something in our life never leads to lasting peace, and what we need to do instead.

Listen now and break free from the ‘constant doing’!


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our...

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Episode 185: Being Stronger Than The Voice In Your Head

podcast Jul 05, 2023

In order to be stronger than the voice in your head, you have to recognize two things:

  1. Stop contending to it as if it is logical thinking.
  2. Understand there’s that “voice” and then there’s capital Y you.

When we aren’t able to recognize and practice this, this is where we find ourselves constantly stuck in our head over analyzing every little thing until we feel like we’re going crazy.

Listen to this episode as I dive even deeper.

You got this.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

How to use an EASY formula to break that negative...

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Episode 184: Pt 2 - Your Summer Stress Cleanse Challenge

podcast Jun 30, 2023

Here it is, part two… of your summer stress-cleanse challenge.

I released this week’s podcast to go out on Friday so that those on my email newsletter would also receive the final installment, the final week of the stress-cleanse challenge at the same time as ya’ll that listen in to the podcast.

We discuss getting laser specific and what it means to step out of and into new containers.

So listen in. Enjoy. And make sure you do your homework.

Let’s GO.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X FASTER Without Working Harder (or compromising a hard earned career)” Masterclass!

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

How to use an EASY formula to break that negative...

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Episode 183: Pt 1 - Your Summer Stress-Cleanse Challenge

podcast Jun 21, 2023

I’m going to read the summer challenge to ya’ll in a two part series.

You see, every Friday, in the month of June, I have been (and will be for two more weeks) sending out a short and simple summer stress-cleanse challenge where I talk about a topic and then give you a homework assignment, sometimes even a bonus assignment too.

And as I was about to podcast this week I thought of all of you. My friends who are not yet on my email list, and by the way if you aren’t you can sign up in 30 seconds by visiting 

So here it is.

Part 1 will consist of weeks 1-3 and then Part 2 will be the final two weeks of the challenge.

These are short, juicy, and very powerful challenges. Most people will listen and move on about their day and little will have changed aside from feeling temporary relief, but if you really want to become Stressproof… if you finally want to see real changes in your life… Then listen carefully and start...

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Episode 182: It's Time For More MAGIC

podcast Jun 14, 2023

Join me in my LIVE training this Thursday, 6/15, at 10am PST! 


When was the last time you truly felt ALIVE? The rush of connection to your life and the people around you at a level so deep you knew magic was undeniable?

In this episode we’re going to be talking about the three elements that are necessary for real magic and why stress is one of the biggest blockers that must be resolved in order to start flowing again.

You don’t want to miss this.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X FASTER Without Working Harder (or compromising a hard earned career)” Masterclass!

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or...

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