Episode 241: When Feeling Bad Isn’t Bad

podcast Mar 19, 2025

If you’ve ever wondered how you could “toughen up” so that you don’t ever have to feel “bad” again, well, this episode is for you.

There’s a nuance we must catch between an emotional reaction vs. an emotional response.

An emotional reaction is when we react more to the story in our mind than the fact of what just happened.

An emotional response is when we have a natural biological response to what just happened.

However, more often than not, most people think that feeling “bad” is a weakness.

But, what if feeling upset is absolutely valid?

Wouldn’t it be worse if we were apathetic, shut down, or unresponsive?

There’s no need to add suffering to pain.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discove...

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Episode 240: Clear Example of Personalization at Work

podcast Mar 05, 2025

If you’ve ever wanted to see Personalization at work, then this is your episode. We’re breaking down how one circumstance remains the same, and yet how multiple people can have different experiences.

And when we’re not careful, when we are not conscious of what is happening, we can easily get lost in other people’s emotional reaction and lose sight of what really matters to you.

Listen now.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had e...

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Episode 239: Empathic Executive Hygiene

podcast Feb 19, 2025

No, this isn’t about how you dress, etiquette, or even how you speak in the workplace. This is about your internal hygiene that then speaks volumes for itself.

If you struggle with feeling too sensitive, being too empathic toward other people’s needs, and this is getting in the way of your own well-being…

Then you don’t want to miss this episode of the Stressproof Podcast.

Today we’re diving into concepts around knowing your space, delineating between what you feel vs what other people feel, and understanding who’s movie you’re in.

Let’s go.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or eve...

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Episode 238: You Can Only Be One: Leadership Pull or Push

podcast Feb 05, 2025

Most Empathic Executives reach a point where they realize it’s no longer about ‘fast action’ aka all of the emails, meetings, conversations, and things you can do to get the job done.

We consider looking for a new role, perhaps early retirement, or even worse, downgrading our position.

But wait, when you look around you’re also noticing that you have the exact same skills (if not more!) than that one person who happens to sail seamlessly through one project after another.

What gives?

This is where we talk about Leadership Pull or Push.

You’re either contracting or expanding.

And people feel that.

Listen to this episode as we dive deeper.

Let’s go.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

⚡The 3 POW...

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Episode 237: It's Not Who You Are, It's What You Practice

podcast Jan 22, 2025

You can be the smartest, quickest, and even kindest person in the world, but if you’re practicing fear, worry or control… Well, those wonderful traits won’t be the first thing someone else notices.

Most people believe that something is wrong with them because of the result that they see in their lives.

But what most don’t realize is that the result has nothing to do with YOU, per se, rather it has everything to do with what you practice on a daily, even minute by minute basis.

I dive into this and more, and you don’t want to miss this one.

Let’s go.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for day...

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Episode 236: Choose Your Own Adventure with these 12 Virtues

podcast Jan 08, 2025

It’s impossible to have the same energy and the same type of goals year after year.

Let’s face it, we’re going to be in a different season of our lives, and the new year isn’t the time to feel bad about not having “that kind of goal”.

In this episode, we discuss seasons, the different energies to match those seasons, and what it means to focus on virtues instead of quantitative goals (because we’re pros on that one).

Let’s start the year evaluating what means the most to you, and that starts on the inside first.

Listen now.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

⚡How to ...

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Episode 235: Main Character vs. Side Characters

Uncategorized Dec 11, 2024

Did you know that you’re the main character of your life? Most people would say yes, but if we were to play a movie of your life guess who’d be on the main screen 90% of the time?

That’s right. A side character.

Somehow the side characters have made it to the spotlight and we weren’t even aware of it.

Listen to this podcast as we delve into what it means to be the main character vs a side character and why it’s so important to focus on YOU, so that you can continue shining your light, your purpose, and your desires.

Let’s go.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

⚡How t...

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Episode 234: Grow Your Magnetic Energy

podcast Nov 27, 2024

The #1 mistake most Stressed Out Success make in trying to be more confident is that they focus on being perfect.

Perfect in choosing the right words, how they appear, and especially getting specific project driven results.

But if you’ve ever met someone this perfect, and they were definitely NOT magnetic?

Well, then it’s time to dissect what is truly necessary in order to grow your magnetic energy.

Listen now as I discuss the top 3 traits every magnetic person has and how you can cultivate more of your own magnetic energy.

Let’s go.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks...

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Episode 233: How To Think Differently Under Stress

podcast Nov 13, 2024

Most people get caught up in the DOING in order to feel un-stressed.

Doing, which we call Fast Action, might look like firing off that email, scheduling that meeting (right away), or worse, doing the work yourself in order to fix the problem so that we can get rid of feeling stressed.

Unfortunately these leads to a vicious cycle where we get stuck in reactionary mode each time a problem arises.

In this episode of the Stressproof podcast we’re breaking down why it’s not about the doing, but rather why we need to THINK differently under stress in order to BE the type of person that doesn’t react toward similar situations and or people.

Listen now!



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

⚡The 3 POWERFUL ...

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Episode 232: 3 Steps to a Clearer Answer

podcast Oct 30, 2024

It’s easy to make a quick decision because of how we’re feeling; in other words, let’s take action so we can feel better.

But what if we’re contemplating a huge life change? A change in career or even industry?

In this episode we’re breaking down 3 ways to navigate decision making so that we get to a clearer answer.

You don’t want to miss this one!



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages + staycations to prove it. ...

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